Monday, February 27, 2012

22 days and counting

A very eventful 36-week appointment! We were scheduled for a full ultrasound on Friday to measure the baby's size and to get some decent photos of his beautiful face! Although the pictures took some manipulating (picture the ultrasound tech bouncing the wand up and down on my belly forcefully to get him to turn over - ouch!), we did end up with some great face pics. I'll post those pictures in the next few days.

Size? Well, not surprisingly given the girth of my belly, we've got a bigun'. Currently, Baby Bacon weighs 7 lbs, 9 oz (give or take 3/4ths of a pound according to the tech). At a growth rate of a 1/2 lb a week, we could certainly be looking at a 9 pound baby at birth. Thank goodness for C-sections! The first thing that we focused was the femur, which measured at a whopping 97% and then the head, which measured at 92%! No little waif of a baby, like Scarlett was.

Thankfully, we haven't had any signs of labor or distress, so it's business as usual. Although I'd rather that he wait until his assigned date to arrive, I'll be happy if Bacon waits until after this weekend. I've got a scrapbook weekend with my sister that I'd hate to miss! I'm on weekly appointments now, so I'll get a good idea of progress at my next appointment, a day before I leave.

Another note: Our 7:30 C-section time has been moved to 9 a.m. Woot! I'm very happy not to have to arrive at the hospital at 5:30 a.m.!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

That's not my name...

We have narrowed down our name choices to four! If you ask, though, we're still not telling!

Just thought I'd share some of the names that we didn't go with for one reason or another.

* Callum
* Cassidy
* Clancy
* Cormac
* Darby
* Larkin
* Murphy

Please refrain from commenting negatively on them, since they were all under serious consideration! I'll have more to share this weekend after my 36-week appointment!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

No news is good news

As the old adage goes, no news is good news. My 34-week appointment today was largely uneventful. Tried unsuccessfully, I may add, to get a good picture of Bacon. He continues to pose with his back to us and his arms covering his face. At this point I’m not sure if he does this on purpose every time he feels that cold ultrasound gel or if he’s permanently stuck that way!

Everything else is normal. Only one contraction I think, and very little swelling. I have had a couple of pre-migraine auras, although they haven’t turned into full-blown migraines. No excess protein in my urine and a steady blood-pressure, so very low chance of pre-eclampsia. I’m also going to hold off going back on meds and see if I experience any more attacks. As with my anxiety, everything is on a wait-and-see cycle.

During my next appointment in two weeks, we’ll do a full ultrasound with the trained ultrasound tech. The hope is that we can not only get a really good size reading, but also some good pictures. My baby book is really lacking! We’ll also be doing a Group B Strep test and a general exam to check my cervix.

Lastly, we're talking about moving the time of the C-Section on March 19th. It's entirely due to scheduling. I don't think I'll be sad if I get to show up at the hospital at 9 for an 11 a.m. birth instead of 5:30 a.m. for a 7:30 birth!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Missing my meds

Within the last week or so I've been experiencing some anxiety. I'm not talking just nervousness; I'm talking the keeping-you-up-at-night type of anxiety that caused me to start taking anti-anxiety medicine about 3 years ago.

When I found out I was pregnant, I tapered off my current medication. I know that there's not a lot of research concerning the effects of Lexapro on babies. While my doctor assured me that if I really needed to be on it (if it were crippling enough without it), things would be just fine; it was enough of an unknown that I passed. As most pregnant women would testify to, it's just better not to take anything that you really don't need. Up until last week, I didn't really feel any anxiety that wasn't considered normal pregnancy nervousness.

I'm really trying to decide now whether I can still get by not having it. I think that I would feel guilty if I started taking it now. I got by for so long without it. On the other hand, I can't handle more sleepless nights of unreasonable worrying. Worrying about things like getting Scarlett's cookie order in on time, whether I'll have time to pack my overnight bag, whether I'll remember to put out fresh sheets for our houseguests during my hospital stay and other silly things. Things that should not keep me up at night, but still did.

On a side note, while I don't have any reason to think that I won't make it to 39 weeks, I'm starting to get nervous about going early. I've realized how little we actually have done in preparation for the baby and how much I've stupidly planned around this date. Here's hoping I make it to the final stretch!